- 1 tsp Sesame seeds
- 1 tsp Raisins
*This can be used for prevention of Osteoporosis and is also beneficial to those with Osteoporosis
Best for: Women over the age of 40 and people with Osteoporosis. People younger than 40 can also benefit from this as it is great for prevention. This can be taken every night before bed indefinitely.
*Sesame seeds are an excellent source of calcium and can help in the prevention of Osteoporosis. According to an Ayurveda website, a handful of sesame seeds can give you up to 1,200mg of natural calcium.
*Raisins are a good source of iron, potassium and selenium. They also contain vitamin A and some vitamin B and are rich in fiber.
Ayurvedic recipe from Kamsella Naidoo, Ayurveda teacher with many years of experience in the field of Ayurveda
Websites for further reading:
Osteoporosis Natural Cure - Ayurvedic Approach
The World's Healthiest Foods - Sesame Seeds
Diet Foods and Nutrition - Raisins
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