Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Home-made Baby Formula

In my Nutrition through the Lifespan course, we learned about nutrition for babies. As you can probably guess, it is recommended to breastfeed as this is nature's 'best nutrition' for babies. However, breastfeeding is not for everyone. If this is the case for you or anyone you know, I found it interesting that there are home-made baby formulas that you can make. I was given a few recipes and I'm happy to share one of them with you! Out of all the formula recipes we received, this was the one most recommended by our nutrition teacher.

Home-made Baby Formula
(Recipe from a nutritionist in the US)

2 cups goats milk
2 cups hemp nut seed milk
1/4 cup goat whey
1 tablespoon colostrum
4 tablespoons lactose
2 teaspoons nutritional yeast
1/4 teaspoon camu berry powder
1 capsule aged garlic powder
1 teaspoon infant probiotics
1 tablespoon lecithin
2 teaspoons gelatin
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 teaspoon cod liver oil
1 teaspoon flax seed oil

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Anony said...
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