Saturday, August 16, 2008

Food is Energy

Welcome to my website Food is Energy! My name is Shyra and I am currently studying nutrition. It is a 2-year, part time program and in July 2010, I will become a certified Holistic Nutritionist.

I created this website because of the interest from friends and family to learn more about nutrition. This website is my gift to those who have supported me in this decision and I will share everything interesting that I learn in my course. It is also a great way for me to review the material that I am learning. Please feel free to leave me any questions or comments!

My story:

I first became interested in Nutrition over a year ago. After backpacking Europe for 8 months (2005-2006), I returned to Canada with a weakened immune system. This was the result of a lot of travel, lack of money and not always eating right. Although the trip was the adventure of a lifetime, I came back tired, a little underweight, and I seemed to catch every cold and flu that went around.

In July 2007, I became vegan and began reading a lot of health and nutrition books. I kept 'food diaries' (on the recommendation of my Naturopath) and I started to study a lot in my personal time. I also started to take natural supplements. Within 6 months, I noticed a BIG difference my health. I had more energy, my digestion was working better, I stopped getting colds and flus and I was finally healthy.

About two months ago, I also started working out at the gym (weights, yoga, & running) and that took my energy to a whole new level. With my good nutritional habits, I was a lot healthier but after working out I had even more energy. I also saw a few close friends this year who I haven't seen in a few years and their comments were very similar - 'wow, you look healthy!'

Because good nutrition has changed my life, I decided to take my personal studying to a new level and on September 11, 2008, I will begin taking classes in Holistic Nutrition. In July 2010, I will finish my course as a Holistic Nutritionist and will be able to share my knowledge and help others with their health.

I am very passionate about holistic nutrition and I hope you will all enjoy this website! Nutrition is a journey and I am happy to share that journey with all of you.

- Shyra

*I am not a certified Holistic Nutritionist as of yet and because of that, I cannot give any nutritional advice.