Have you ever wondered why your friend at work doesn't get colds even though he eats junk food? Or, have you ever wondered why that 'healthy friend' of yours was just diagnosed with Cancer even though she never smoked a day in her life and she exercised everyday?
Although there are many factors behind illness, there is a very good analogy that I'd like to share with you called 'The Barrel Effect.'
Imagine that your body is a barrel. It is full of things from the past and present that affect your health. For example, the genetic, dietary, emotional, psychological and environmental factors all have an accumulative effect on your body and your health.
In the diagram below, you can see that there are some unhealthy factors, but this person will still be in somewhat good health as their body is able to handle the various stresses put on it.
As long as the barrel doesn't 'overflow' you will feel relatively healthy (i.e. meaning you may or may not feel symptoms, but you will not have any major illness)
In this next diagram, you can see that there are more stressful factors than the body can handle and the 'barrel' is literally overflowing. In this case, illness could develop in the body. If it hasn't developed yet, there will definitely be symptoms.
You can use this analogy as a tool to help clarify where you are in your health.
Here is a list that you can review to determine where you may be putting stress on your body:
- Environment - home, work, school, city etc.
- Diet
- Water
- Exercise
- Psychological/emotional/sexual health
- EMF (electro-magnetic frequencies)
- Personal care products
- Cleaning products
- Genetics
- Stress levels (i.e. how you handle stress)
- Energy (i.e. are you energy sensitive?)
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